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Breaking change


Since this version, the SCS SDK Plugin required is v1.12.x


Remote tiles location

Due to moving all project around this into the Unicor’p organization, the value of the maps_map_tilesRemotePath have been changed.

The older value is no longer available. Please update the value with the new one:

    "maps_map_tilesRemotePath" : "",


Configurations files

The configuration files are divided into two files:

The old config file config.ets2-dashboard-skin.json is removed and is not used anymore.

If you have changes for the following entries, edit config.json:

For the others entries, edit the corresponding game configuration.

All configuration files are placed in a config folder.

For more information, read the file

Map tiles remote

The host hosted at will not be updated anymore. In the next major release, it will be removed.

Use the Unicor-p/SCS_Map_Tiles instead.


The configuration field maps_map_tilesLocation is deprecated.

Use the maps_map_tilesRemoteCustomPath instead.


It’s not be planned, but a major change was introduced and cause a breaking change.

From v1.6.X and more, there will not be able to work with the old map tiles collection (under v1.5.X)

Please download the latest map tiles collection before to use the Map skin.